Hello Devs, Players and navyfield lovers !!! as you should to know Nexon Broken up with SdenterNET and it changes heavly the game... specially in the ships...

As you see on this image from closed beta from 2012 you can see some well know ships but there is one we cant see actually in the game:

You: What hell is this?? i never see this ship in my life!! it's on navyfield2 ???
you: cool, it's availbe on navyfield 2?
me: actually no...
You :(
So if you are interested about other ships availbe in navyfield 2012/2013 se this video from palora: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rx7Eyx8XQU
well in fact when nexon broke up with SDenterNET maybe these ships was removed and many other things changed due copyright things :v i'm sad about it because in this month will be 100 years of juntland battle the greatest naval battle tha world even see... and many ships who was avaible on 2012/2013 navyfield 2 engage this battle like the Konig... we just have few ships that enganage this battle availbe today(Deutscheland, moltke,Roon, furst bismark, Scharnorst1906, Lord nelson and few others), 1 minute of silence to our heroes and old NF2...
RIP Nf2 nexon
Extra info:
Chinese blog about navyfield 2 in 2012: http://nyantarou579.blog.fc2.com/blog-date-201211.html

MARINE NATIONALE IN NAVYFIELD 2:http://www.gamewatcher.com/news/2013-01-08-free-to-play-rts-navy-field-2-gets-marine-nationale-update-today