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General Discussion

Occupation / Flagship

6/18/2015 3:52:58 AM
Avatar SamuraiZebra

Disappointed that occupy mode is the default you chose to go with. Would rather have Flagship, anyway.


Speaking of which. You'll need to sort flagships out. Having SS DD CA CL flagships is bad, the small fast ships that will either
outrun everything or will die too quickly. Causing way too much aggro at the best of times.


I know what your thinking what about command points spent.


Do something like separate the command abilities away from being the flagship. That way those who have
spent points in command to specifically use abilities (carpet bomb and recon) can still get to use them. But the ships that make sense to be a flagship (BB's and CV's ) are the flagship.


And disconnects. Still not having played a single flagship match [in a week], what happens when the flagship d/c's, an instant
loss? Needs to be addressed yesterday when you were inventing the gametypes.



[sry if this double posted in the patch update , cant see half the pages after submitting]

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