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General Discussion

Enough of the crappy BB captains Mississippi of tears

6/17/2015 4:36:42 AM
Avatar Diabolik

You guys are still trying to turn this game into BBfield NF1? With this patch, I'm pretty sure that good BB players will give good CA and CL players more than a run for their money, THEY ALREADY DID EVEN BEFORE THE DEFENSE LEVEL BUFF. There's a Mississippi of crappy BB captains tears ( I said BB, you might be a god on a CA or CL, but that doesn't mean you can be a good BB captain, I know I ain't ) on this forum right now and they're not about imbalance, I'll say it again for clarity in BOLD but players wanting the game to compensate for THEIR OWN SHORTCOMINGS.

I don't see Captaingon crying here, I don't see Flotte crying here, I don't see Edension crying here, all the best BB players haven't shed a SINGLE TEAR. I'd love to hear their take on this here, it would be oh so delicious. So stop crying and level up your gameplay before you push this game into BBfield lalaland boring crap.

Seam0n(ette), LaRoyale

P.S.: I know for a fact Flotte hasn't spent a single penny on this game, he isn't even on premium and then how do you explain all the other non-paying BB players who like him are making 200-300k per game consistently who have never paid a single penny? LUCK?

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