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Balance Discussion

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Subject Author Replies / Views Last Post
Balance Discussion - CV Class 관리자 gm 22 / 52557 8/30/2015 3:47:47 PM
Balance Discussion - CA Class 관리자 gm 24 / 4281 11/8/2015 5:55:28 PM
Balance Discussion - SS Class 관리자 gm 42 / 3619 8/1/2016 4:31:30 AM
Balance Discussion - DD Class 관리자 gm 18 / 2862 7/24/2015 9:50:28 AM
Balance Discussion - CL Class 관리자 gm 15 / 4243 3/19/2016 8:58:01 PM
Balance Discussion - BB Class 관리자 gm 46 / 4193 6/15/2016 3:56:32 PM
What's the formula for sub detection ? natzbat 3 / 1771 4/29/2015 2:00:42 AM
Give Better Torps to High Tier DD's iansarmy 12 / 2223 4/25/2015 4:34:33 PM
reserve matchmaking is useless... a55mu11e7 3 / 1765 4/24/2015 12:05:36 PM
ok we need to balance the torping ships (splash damage) Badwolf197 11 / 1881 4/20/2015 8:42:06 PM
Matchmaking still need some work... (unbalance and unfair matches enco... frezinator 7 / 2030 4/19/2015 11:53:58 AM
USN CV needs better gun controls. NekoNeuko 2 / 1863 4/15/2015 4:22:20 AM
ALL BB XI need BUFF Hydraaxz 8 / 1992 4/13/2015 1:06:37 PM
Reserve matchmaking might have made a hilariously bad mistake with thi... LTForge 2 / 1884 4/10/2015 5:24:19 PM
Balance suggestion: Gearing Tier III, Mahan Tier VIII; USN DD line bal... Talentz 4 / 2031 4/10/2015 9:09:49 AM
BROOKLYN AND OTHER CL BALANCE berwatchey 22 / 3083 4/6/2015 12:59:27 PM
Capitol Ships and such Picard 3 / 1787 3/31/2015 5:23:59 PM
Tweaking some premium ship support Super64 0 / 1648 3/29/2015 8:30:30 PM
Battleship Nevada vasuba 7 / 2489 3/27/2015 8:34:10 AM
Why you nf2 maker are so UNFAIR? Mirco67 2 / 2018 3/25/2015 10:53:59 PM
Ridiculous Matchmaking Example smdesire 1 / 2199 3/25/2015 10:57:46 AM
BB IX maddnessmax 7 / 2612 3/22/2015 8:36:54 AM
SS Needs a buff and reworking DocUSMC 35 / 2348 3/20/2015 2:59:16 PM
the matchmaker of this game is a epic fail and totally sux ituki11 15 / 2156 3/19/2015 12:44:17 PM
Credit income from battle vs Cost price for ships! Profje 28 / 3449 3/19/2015 12:12:17 PM
Decrease CV's planes and SS speed... frezinator 6 / 2262 3/18/2015 1:57:44 PM
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